Backspace Key Not Working While Using Ajaxtoolkit Masked Edit Extender and Validator (ASP.NET, Microsoft Edge, Ajaxtoolkit)? Here’s the Fix!
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Backspace Key Not Working While Using Ajaxtoolkit Masked Edit Extender and Validator (ASP.NET, Microsoft Edge, Ajaxtoolkit)? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of the backspace key not working while using Ajaxtoolkit Masked Edit Extender and Validator in your ASP.NET application on Microsoft Edge? You’re not alone! This issue has been plaguing developers for quite some time now, and it’s high time we tackle it head-on. In this article, we’ll delve into the root cause of the problem, explore possible solutions, and provide you with a step-by-step guide to resolve this issue once and for all.

The Problem: Backspace Key Not Working with Ajaxtoolkit Masked Edit Extender and Validator

When using the Ajaxtoolkit Masked Edit Extender and Validator in your ASP.NET application on Microsoft Edge, you might have noticed that the backspace key doesn’t work as expected. You type in some text, try to delete it using the backspace key, but… nothing happens! The cursor remains stuck, and the text remains intact. It’s as if the backspace key has become useless.

This issue is not only frustrating but also affects the overall user experience. Imagine filling out a form, getting halfway through, and then realizing you can’t delete a single character without refreshing the entire page. It’s a nightmare, right? But don’t worry, we’re here to help you put an end to this nonsense!

Why Does This Happen?

The root cause of this issue lies in the way Ajaxtoolkit Masked Edit Extender and Validator work together with Microsoft Edge. The Masked Edit Extender uses JavaScript to mask the input field, which can sometimes interfere with the browser’s default behavior, like the backspace key functionality. The Validator, on the other hand, tries to validate the input data, which can also cause conflicts with the Masked Edit Extender.

When you press the backspace key, the browser expects the default behavior, which is to delete the character. However, the Masked Edit Extender’s JavaScript code takes over, trying to maintain the masked format, and the Validator kicks in, attempting to validate the input. This conflict of interests leads to the backspace key not working as expected.

Solutions to the Rescue!

Now that we’ve identified the root cause, let’s dive into the solutions. We’ll explore three different approaches to resolve this issue, each with its own set of pros and cons.

Solution 1: Disable the Masked Edit Extender’s JavaScript Code

This solution involves disabling the Masked Edit Extender’s JavaScript code that’s causing the conflict. You can do this by setting the `EnableScript` property of the Masked Edit Extender to `false`.



  • Easy to implement
  • Quick fix


  • Disables all JavaScript functionality of the Masked Edit Extender
  • May affect other features of the Masked Edit Extender

Solution 2: Use the `OnBlur` Event to Validate

In this solution, we’ll use the `OnBlur` event to validate the input data instead of relying on the Validator. This approach ensures that the validation occurs only when the focus is lost from the input field, rather than when the user presses the backspace key.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtInput" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

// Code-behind
protected void customValidator1_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
    // Your validation logic goes here
    args.IsValid = true; // or false, depending on the validation result


  • Provides more control over the validation process
  • Doesn’t interfere with the Masked Edit Extender’s functionality


  • Requires more coding effort
  • May require additional validation logic

Solution 3: Use a Custom JavaScript Function to Handle Backspace Key Press

This solution involves creating a custom JavaScript function to handle the backspace key press event. This function will simulate the default behavior of the backspace key, ensuring that it works as expected even with the Masked Edit Extender and Validator.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtInput" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

// JavaScript code
(function ($) {
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('#<%= txtInput.ClientID %>').keydown(function (e) {
            if (e.which === 8) { // Backspace key
                var currentValue = $(this).val();
                if (currentValue.length > 0) {
                    $(this).val(currentValue.substring(0, currentValue.length - 1));


  • Provides a more elegant solution
  • Doesn’t interfere with the Masked Edit Extender’s functionality
  • Works seamlessly with the Validator


  • Requires additional JavaScript coding
  • May require adjustments to fit your specific requirements


In conclusion, the backspace key not working while using Ajaxtoolkit Masked Edit Extender and Validator in ASP.NET on Microsoft Edge is a frustrating issue that can be resolved using one of the three solutions outlined above. Each solution has its pros and cons, and the choice ultimately depends on your specific requirements and coding preferences.

By following these solutions, you’ll be able to ensure that the backspace key works as expected, providing a seamless user experience for your application’s users.

Additional Resources

If you’re interested in learning more about Ajaxtoolkit, Masked Edit Extender, and Validator, here are some additional resources to get you started:

Remember, the key to resolving this issue is to understand the root cause and choose the solution that best fits your needs. Happy coding!

Solution Pros Cons
Disable Masked Edit Extender’s JavaScript Code Easy to implement, quick fix Disables all JavaScript functionality of the Masked Edit Extender, may affect other features
Use OnBlur Event to Validate Provides more control over validation process, doesn’t interfere with Masked Edit Extender’s functionality Requires more coding effort, may require additional validation logic
Use Custom JavaScript Function to Handle Backspace Key Press

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