Scala 2 to Scala 3: Instantiating a trait no longer recognises new methods
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Scala 2 to Scala 3: Instantiating a trait no longer recognises new methods

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If you’re a Scala developer, you’re likely no stranger to the world of traits. Traits are a fundamental concept in Scala, allowing you to define a set of methods and properties that can be mixed into classes. However, with the advent of Scala 3, the way traits are instantiated has undergone a significant change. In this article, we’ll explore the nuances of instantiating traits in Scala 3 and how it differs from Scala 2.

The Old Way: Scala 2

In Scala 2, traits were largely treated as interfaces with some added functionality. You could define a trait with methods and properties, and then mix it into a class using the `extends` keyword. When you instantiated a trait, Scala 2 would create an anonymous class that implemented the trait, allowing you to access its methods and properties.

trait MyTrait {
  def hello(): String = "Hello, world!"
  def goodbye(): String = "Goodbye, world!"

val myInstance = new MyTrait {}
println(myInstance.hello()) // Output: Hello, world!
println(myInstance.goodbye()) // Output: Goodbye, world!

In the above example, we define a trait `MyTrait` with two methods, `hello()` and `goodbye()`. We then instantiate the trait using the `new` keyword, and access its methods using the dot notation.

The New Way: Scala 3

In Scala 3, traits are no longer treated as interfaces with added functionality. Instead, they are now considered to be a type of abstract class. This change has significant implications for how traits are instantiated.

In Scala 3, when you try to instantiate a trait using the `new` keyword, you’ll get a compile-time error. This is because traits are no longer considered to be instantiable.

trait MyTrait {
  def hello(): String = "Hello, world!"
  def goodbye(): String = "Goodbye, world!"

val myInstance = new MyTrait {} // Compile-time error: Traits cannot be instantiated

So, how do you instantiate a trait in Scala 3? The answer lies in the `trait` keyword itself. In Scala 3, you can use the `trait` keyword to define an abstract class that implements the trait.

trait MyTrait {
  def hello(): String = "Hello, world!"
  def goodbye(): String = "Goodbye, world!"

trait MyTraitImpl extends MyTrait

val myInstance = new MyTraitImpl {}
println(myInstance.hello()) // Output: Hello, world!
println(myInstance.goodbye()) // Output: Goodbye, world!

In the above example, we define a trait `MyTrait` with two methods, `hello()` and `goodbye()`. We then define an abstract class `MyTraitImpl` that extends the trait. Finally, we instantiate the abstract class using the `new` keyword, and access its methods using the dot notation.

New Methods in Traits

In Scala 2, when you added a new method to a trait, it was automatically available to all instances of that trait. However, in Scala 3, this is no longer the case.

trait MyTrait {
  def hello(): String = "Hello, world!"

trait MyTraitImpl extends MyTrait {
  def goodbye(): String = "Goodbye, world!"

val myInstance = new MyTraitImpl {}
println(myInstance.hello()) // Output: Hello, world!
println(myInstance.goodbye()) // Output: Goodbye, world!

In the above example, we define a trait `MyTrait` with a single method, `hello()`. We then define an abstract class `MyTraitImpl` that extends the trait and adds a new method, `goodbye()`. When we instantiate the abstract class, we can access both methods using the dot notation.

However, if we try to add a new method to the trait after instantiation, it will not be recognized by existing instances of the trait.

trait MyTrait {
  def hello(): String = "Hello, world!"

trait MyTraitImpl extends MyTrait {
  def goodbye(): String = "Goodbye, world!"

val myInstance = new MyTraitImpl {}

// Add a new method to the trait
trait MyTrait {
  def hello(): String = "Hello, world!"
  def newMethod(): String = "New method!"

println(myInstance.newMethod()) // Compile-time error: The method newMethod is not recognized

In the above example, we define a trait `MyTrait` with a single method, `hello()`. We then define an abstract class `MyTraitImpl` that extends the trait and adds a new method, `goodbye()`. When we instantiate the abstract class, we can access both methods using the dot notation.

However, when we add a new method, `newMethod()`, to the trait, it is not recognized by existing instances of the trait. This is because the type of the instance is determined at compile-time, and the new method is not part of the original trait.

Best Practices for Traits in Scala 3

So, how do you navigate the new world of traits in Scala 3? Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Avoid instantiating traits directly: Instead, define an abstract class that implements the trait, and instantiate the abstract class.
  • Use traits as interfaces: Traits should be used to define a set of methods and properties that can be implemented by classes. Avoid adding new methods to traits after instantiation.
  • Use abstract classes for implementation: Abstract classes should be used to provide a default implementation of a trait. This allows you to add new methods and properties to the implementation without affecting existing instances.
  • Be mindful of type inference: Scala 3’s type inference engine can sometimes infer the type of an instance incorrectly. Be explicit about the type of your instances to avoid issues.


In conclusion, the way traits are instantiated in Scala 3 has undergone a significant change. Traits are no longer treated as interfaces with added functionality, but rather as abstract classes. This change has implications for how traits are instantiated and used in Scala 3. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can navigate the new world of traits in Scala 3 and write more robust and maintainable code.

Scala 2 Scala 3
Traits are interfaces with added functionality Traits are abstract classes
Traits can be instantiated directly Traits cannot be instantiated directly; use an abstract class instead
New methods can be added to traits after instantiation New methods cannot be added to traits after instantiation; use an abstract class instead

By understanding the differences between Scala 2 and Scala 3, you can take advantage of the new features and improvements in Scala 3 and write better code.


  1. Q: Can I still use traits as interfaces in Scala 3?

    A: Yes, you can still use traits as interfaces in Scala 3. However, you should avoid adding new methods to traits after instantiation.

  2. Q: Can I instantiate traits directly in Scala 3?

    A: No, you cannot instantiate traits directly in Scala 3. You should use an abstract class that implements the trait instead.

  3. Q: How do I add new methods to a trait in Scala 3?

    A: You should add new methods to an abstract class that implements the trait, rather than the trait itself.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful in understanding the changes to traits in Scala 3. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Scala 2 to Scala 3 migration and learn how to navigate the changes in instantiating traits with new methods!

Why did my trait instantiation stop recognizing new methods in Scala 3?

The reason is that Scala 3 has moved to a new era of trait instantiation, where traits are now instantiated using the `new` keyword, just like classes. This change in syntax has altered the way Scala resolves trait members. To access new methods, you need to explicitly bring them into scope using the `trait.{method}` syntax.

What happens if I don’t use the `new` keyword when instantiating a trait in Scala 3?

If you forget to use the `new` keyword, the Scala compiler will throw an error, complaining that the trait is not a class. This is because traits are no longer implicitly instantiated as objects in Scala 3. So, make sure to add that `new` keyword to avoid any compilation issues!

Can I still use the old syntax for trait instantiation in Scala 3?

Sorry to say, but the old syntax is no longer valid in Scala 3. The compiler will flag it as an error. You need to adapt to the new syntax, which uses the `new` keyword. However, it’s worth noting that Scala 3 still supports the old syntax for backward compatibility in some cases, but it’s not recommended to rely on it.

How do I access the new methods in a trait when using the `new` keyword?

To access the new methods, you need to use the fully qualified name of the trait, followed by the method name. For example, `MyTrait.myNewMethod()`. This brings the method into scope, making it available for use. Simple, yet effective!

Will I need to refactor all my code that uses traits to work with Scala 3?

Most likely, yes. The change in trait instantiation syntax is a breaking change, which means you’ll need to update your code to use the `new` keyword and fully qualified method names. However, the good news is that it’s a relatively simple change, and the benefits of Scala 3 will be worth the effort!

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