Problem with Composite Primary Keys in JPA (Migrating from hibernate-jpa 2.1 to jakarta-persistence 3.1.0)
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Problem with Composite Primary Keys in JPA (Migrating from hibernate-jpa 2.1 to jakarta-persistence 3.1.0)

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Are you struggling to migrate your JPA application from hibernate-jpa 2.1 to jakarta-persistence 3.1.0? Are composite primary keys giving you headaches? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the common issues that arise when dealing with composite primary keys during the migration process and provide you with clear, step-by-step solutions.

What are Composite Primary Keys?

Before we dive into the problems, let’s briefly discuss what composite primary keys are. A composite primary key, also known as a multipart primary key or multi-column primary key, is a primary key that consists of multiple columns. This means that the primary key is made up of multiple fields, rather than a single field. Composite primary keys are commonly used in tables that have a natural composite key, such as an order table with order_id and customer_id.

The Problem with Composite Primary Keys in JPA

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s talk about the problem at hand. When migrating from hibernate-jpa 2.1 to jakarta-persistence 3.1.0, you might encounter issues with composite primary keys. Here are some common problems you might face:

  • Missing Annotations

    In jakarta-persistence 3.1.0, the @EmbeddedId annotation is used to mark a composite primary key. However, if you forget to add this annotation, you’ll get an error message complaining about the missing primary key.

    public class Order {
    private OrderPK pk;
    // getters and setters

  • Incorrectly Defined Composite Key Class

    The @EmbeddedId annotation points to a composite key class, which must be correctly defined. The composite key class should have a valid constructor, getters, and setters for each field.

    public class OrderPK implements Serializable {
    private Long orderId;
    private Long customerId;
    // getters and setters
    public OrderPK(Long orderId, Long customerId) {
    this.orderId = orderId;
    this.customerId = customerId;

  • Missing Equals() and HashCode()

    The composite key class must override the equals() and hashCode() methods to ensure proper functioning.

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (this == obj) return true;
    if (!(obj instanceof OrderPK)) return false;
    OrderPK other = (OrderPK) obj;
    return orderId.equals(other.orderId) && customerId.equals(other.customerId);

    public int hashCode() {
    return orderId.hashCode() + customerId.hashCode();

  • Incorrectly Defined Relationships

    When using composite primary keys, relationships between entities can become more complex. Ensure that you’ve correctly defined the relationships using the @MapsId annotation.

    public class Order {
    private OrderPK pk;
    @JoinColumn(name = "customer_id")
    private Customer customer;
    // getters and setters

Solutions to Common Issues

Now that we’ve covered the common problems that arise when dealing with composite primary keys during the migration process, let’s dive into the solutions:

Solution 1: Add Missing Annotations

If you’re receiving an error message about a missing primary key, ensure that you’ve added the @EmbeddedId annotation to your entity class.

public class Order {
    private OrderPK pk;
    // getters and setters

Solution 2: Correctly Define the Composite Key Class

Verify that your composite key class is correctly defined, with a valid constructor, getters, and setters for each field.

public class OrderPK implements Serializable {
    private Long orderId;
    private Long customerId;
    // getters and setters
    public OrderPK(Long orderId, Long customerId) {
        this.orderId = orderId;
        this.customerId = customerId;

Solution 3: Override Equals() and HashCode()

Override the equals() and hashCode() methods in your composite key class to ensure proper functioning.

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (this == obj) return true;
    if (!(obj instanceof OrderPK)) return false;
    OrderPK other = (OrderPK) obj;
    return orderId.equals(other.orderId) && customerId.equals(other.customerId);

public int hashCode() {
    return orderId.hashCode() + customerId.hashCode();

Solution 4: Correctly Define Relationships

Verify that you’ve correctly defined the relationships between entities using the @MapsId annotation.

public class Order {
    private OrderPK pk;
    @JoinColumn(name = "customer_id")
    private Customer customer;
    // getters and setters

Best Practices for Working with Composite Primary Keys in JPA

To avoid common issues when working with composite primary keys in JPA, follow these best practices:

  1. Use @EmbeddedId Annotation

    Always use the @EmbeddedId annotation to mark a composite primary key.

  2. Correctly Define Composite Key Class

    Ensure that the composite key class is correctly defined, with a valid constructor, getters, and setters for each field.

  3. Override Equals() and HashCode()

    Override the equals() and hashCode() methods in your composite key class to ensure proper functioning.

  4. Correctly Define Relationships

    Verify that you’ve correctly defined the relationships between entities using the @MapsId annotation.

  5. Test Thoroughly

    Test your application thoroughly to ensure that the composite primary key is working as expected.

Best Practice Description
Use @EmbeddedId Annotation Mark a composite primary key with the @EmbeddedId annotation.
Correctly Define Composite Key Class Ensure that the composite key class is correctly defined.
Override Equals() and HashCode() Override the equals() and hashCode() methods in the composite key class.
Correctly Define Relationships Verify that relationships between entities are correctly defined.
Test Thoroughly Test your application thoroughly to ensure that the composite primary key is working as expected.


Migrating from hibernate-jpa 2.1 to jakarta-persistence 3.1.0 can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with composite primary keys. However, by following the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to resolving common issues and ensuring a smooth migration. Remember to test your application thoroughly and don’t hesitate to seek help if you encounter any issues.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common questions about migrating from Hibernate-JPA 2.1 to Jakarta-Persistence 3.1.0 and dealing with composite primary keys in JPA!

What are the common issues faced while migrating from Hibernate-JPA 2.1 to Jakarta-Persistence 3.1.0?

One of the most common issues faced is the problem with composite primary keys. Jakarta-Persistence 3.1.0 has introduced some changes in the way composite primary keys are handled, which can cause issues if not properly addressed. Additionally, the migration can also lead to problems with entity managers, transactions, and query syntax.

How do I define a composite primary key in JPA using the @EmbeddedId annotation?

To define a composite primary key, you need to create a separate Embeddable class that represents the composite key, and then use the @EmbeddedId annotation on the entity class to reference this Embeddable class. For example, @Entity public class MyEntity { @EmbeddedId private MyCompositeKey id; … } and @Embeddable public class MyCompositeKey implements Serializable { private Long key1; private String key2; … }

What are the benefits of using a composite primary key in JPA?

Using a composite primary key in JPA provides several benefits, including the ability to model complex business keys, improve data integrity, and enhance query performance. It also allows you to define a primary key that consists of multiple columns, which can be useful in scenarios where a single column is not sufficient to uniquely identify a row.

How do I generate a composite primary key in JPA using a UUID and a sequence generator?

To generate a composite primary key using a UUID and a sequence generator, you can use the @GeneratedValue annotation on the entity class, and specify the generation strategy as GenerationType.IDENTITY. For example, @Entity public class MyEntity { @EmbeddedId @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY) private MyCompositeKey id; … }

What are some best practices for using composite primary keys in JPA?

Some best practices for using composite primary keys in JPA include using meaningful column names, avoiding unnecessary columns, using a single Embeddable class for the composite key, and overriding the hashCode and equals methods in the Embeddable class. Additionally, it’s recommended to use a consistent naming convention and to document the composite key properly.