VSCode Extension – Test CLI vs Your Own Test Runner: A Comprehensive Showdown
Image by Elmeria - hkhazo.biz.id

VSCode Extension – Test CLI vs Your Own Test Runner: A Comprehensive Showdown

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As developers, we know the importance of testing our code to ensure it’s robust, efficient, and meets the required standards. When it comes to testing, we have two popular options: using a Test CLI or creating our own test runner. But which one is better? In this article, we’ll dive into the world of VSCode extensions, pitting Test CLI against your own test runner to help you make an informed decision.

What is Test CLI?

Test CLI is a popular testing framework that allows you to run tests directly from the command line. It provides a simple and intuitive way to execute tests, making it a favorite among developers. With Test CLI, you can easily write, run, and debug tests for your code, ensuring it’s reliable and efficient.

Pros of Test CLI:

  • Easy to use: Test CLI has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy to write and run tests.
  • Fast execution: Test CLI executes tests quickly, allowing you to rapid-prototype and iterate on your code.
  • Wide community support: Test CLI has a large community of developers who contribute to its development, ensuring it stays up-to-date and feature-rich.

What is a Custom Test Runner?

A custom test runner is a bespoke testing solution that you create yourself, tailored to your specific needs and requirements. This approach gives you complete control over the testing process, allowing you to craft a solution that perfectly fits your project’s unique demands.

Pros of a Custom Test Runner:

  • Total customization: With a custom test runner, you have complete control over the testing process, allowing you to tailor it to your project’s specific needs.
  • Flexibility: A custom test runner can be adapted to accommodate unique testing requirements, making it ideal for complex or specialized projects.
  • Deep integration: A custom test runner can be deeply integrated with your project’s codebase, allowing for seamless testing and development.

VSCode Extension – Test CLI vs Your Own Test Runner: A Head-to-Head Comparison

Now that we’ve explored the pros of each option, let’s put them head-to-head in a comprehensive comparison. We’ll evaluate each option based on key factors, including ease of use, performance, and customization.

Feature Test CLI Custom Test Runner
Easy to Use Easy to use, with a simple and intuitive interface Requires more effort to set up and configure, but offers total customization
Performance Fast execution, with quick test results Performance can vary, depending on the complexity of the custom solution
Customization Limited customization options, with a standardized testing process Total customization, with the ability to tailor the testing process to specific needs
Community Support Large community of developers, with extensive documentation and resources Dependent on individual effort, with limited community support
Integration Seamless integration with VSCode, with automatic test discovery and running Requires manual integration, with potential for compatibility issues

How to Create a Custom Test Runner in VSCode

If you’ve decided to create a custom test runner, here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Choose a Testing Framework

Select a testing framework that fits your project’s needs. Popular options include Jest, Mocha, and Cypress.

npm install jest

Step 2: Write Your Tests

Write your tests using the chosen testing framework. Make sure to follow best practices and keep your tests organized and structured.

// example.test.js
import { sum } from './math';

describe('math', () => {
  it('adds 2 + 2', () => {
    expect(sum(2, 2)).toBe(4);

Step 3: Create a Test Runner Script

Create a script that will run your tests. You can use Node.js to execute your tests.

// test-runner.js
const jest = require('jest');


Step 4: Configure VSCode

Configure VSCode to use your custom test runner. Create a new file called `launch.json` in your project’s root directory.

// launch.json
  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "type": "node",
      "request": "launch",
      "name": "Custom Test Runner",
      "program": "test-runner.js"

Step 5: Run Your Tests

Run your tests using the VSCode debugger. Press `F5` or click the “Run Code” button to execute your tests.


In conclusion, both Test CLI and a custom test runner have their pros and cons. Test CLI offers ease of use, fast execution, and wide community support, making it an excellent choice for most projects. However, a custom test runner provides total customization, flexibility, and deep integration, making it ideal for complex or specialized projects.

When choosing between Test CLI and a custom test runner, consider your project’s specific needs and requirements. If you need a quick and easy testing solution, Test CLI is a great choice. However, if you require a bespoke testing solution that can be tailored to your project’s unique demands, a custom test runner is the way to go.

With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to make an informed decision and take your testing to the next level. Whether you choose Test CLI or a custom test runner, remember to test often, test thoroughly, and always prioritize code quality.

Final Thoughts

In the world of testing, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. By understanding the pros and cons of Test CLI and a custom test runner, you can choose the best approach for your project. Remember to stay flexible, adapt to changing requirements, and always prioritize code quality.

Happy testing, and may the code be with you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on using Test CLI vs your own test runner with VSCode extensions!

Q1: What’s the main difference between Test CLI and a custom test runner?

The main difference lies in who’s in charge! With Test CLI, you’re relying on the VSCode extension to run your tests, whereas with a custom test runner, you’re the boss – you get to decide how and when your tests are executed.

Q2: Is Test CLI only compatible with specific testing frameworks?

Not at all! Test CLI is designed to be framework-agnostic, so you can use it with your favorite testing framework, whether that’s Jest, Mocha, or something else entirely.

Q3: Can I use both Test CLI and a custom test runner in my project?

Absolutely! You can use Test CLI for certain tasks, like running tests on individual files, and then use your custom test runner for more complex testing scenarios. It’s all about finding the right tool for the job!

Q4: How do I choose between Test CLI and a custom test runner for my project?

Consider the complexity of your testing needs and the level of customization you require. If you need simple, out-of-the-box testing, Test CLI might be the way to go. But if you have specific requirements or need more fine-grained control, a custom test runner could be the better choice.

Q5: Are there any performance differences between Test CLI and a custom test runner?

Test CLI is designed to be lightweight and fast, but a custom test runner can be optimized for your specific use case, potentially leading to even better performance. It’s all about finding the right balance between ease of use and speed!